Get Involved
Your contribution is crucial in helping us produce a compelling documentary that delves into the complex issues that plague our justice system.
Awareness through this documentary is key to fostering change, as it encourages public engagement and opens the door to a deeper understanding of these vital topics.
Donate to our Non-Profit
Your generous donations will directly fund the production of our documentary, ensuring that the stories of exonerees and solutions to the flaws in our criminal justice system reach a wider audience. As a 501(c)(3) non-profit, your contributions are tax-deductible, and every dollar makes a difference in our fight for justice.
Spread the Word
Raising awareness is essential in creating democratic change. We encourage you to share our documentary, podcast episodes, and other resources with your friends, family, and social media followers. By spreading the word, you can help build a powerful community of supporters who are passionate about justice and reform.
Stay Informed and Engage
The battle for a fair and just criminal justice system doesn't end with our documentary. Stay informed about the issues, participate in events, discussions, and engage with your local elected officials to demand change. By staying actively involved, you can contribute to lasting, meaningful improvements in our justice system.
Together, we can shed light on the injustices within our criminal justice system and inspire a movement for reform.
We want to hear from you!
We're seeking individuals interested in financing, executive producing, sharing relevant information, or providing any form of support to help bring this vital project to life.
If you have any questions or are ready to contribute to the fight for justice, don't hesitate to contact us and explore ways to get involved. We're here to answer your queries and work together for a fairer legal system for all.